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Exclusive: Warina Hussain on why she left social media

With the rise of the social media age, there has been a massive hike in trolling, unsolicited commenting and cancel-culture. This has led several celebrities to call it quits and take time off social media, sometimes with no intention to return. While Aamir Khan took off from Instagram a while back to concentrate on work, Warina Hussain decided to leave social media to avoid toxicity. 

Warina Hussain

Talking to her about what was a tipping point, Warina shared what made her do it in an exclusive chat with Filmfare. She said, “I’m not an active user as it is. For me it was more of a burden. So it’s better to be off it when I’m not even using it. What’s the point?” 

Further, when asked how was she dealing  with it before she left, she said, “Well, frankly speaking I wasn’t on the receiving end of too much trolling but, it’s toxic out there. One comment can ruin your mood and it can demotivate you so much. The best way to deal with all of it is to ignore. Sometimes I felt like fighting back and commenting on these trolls, but there’s no point to that.”

Warina Hussain

from filmfares

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