A battle royale ensues, and all seems to be lost, till Hank saves the day with his army of intelligent ants. They even manage to annihilate Kang but can such a powerful entity really be totally killed?
The film draws various references to classic sci-fi movies like the Star Wars franchise, the Dune series, Star Trek, and even the flora and fauna of earth’s oceans. Think of your favourite science fiction character from any novel, or movie you like and something similar to it is in the film. There are so many possibilities that exist within the film as to how the Ant-Man universe can be taken forward that it boggles the mind. The makers have let their imagination go wild and take us through a landscape filled with fantastic creatures and fantastic sights.
The CGI artistes are the true heroes of the film, creating landscapes and inspired by deep space telescopes on one hand and a kindergarten kid’s imagination on the other. The creature effects take the cake. What can you say about a slime-like creature who yearns for holes and drinking parts of it gives you instant translation abilities. There is a scene where hundreds of ant-men form a human pyramid. A similar scene has thousands of Kangs sitting in a stadium, hooting like chimps. A sun-like creature, looking gorgeous on the outside, turns out to be a cunning predator.
However, amid the technical wizardry, the core idea of the film, a family standing up to an inter-galactic villain, gets lost somewhere. You wonder how Kang is purported to be such a powerful being when a dysfunctional family can overpower it with such ease. It’s all very haphazard and not well thought off. It’s as if the director just wanted to dazzle the viewers with the grandeur of his vision but has forgotten to lend meat to the story. The film feels pretty lopsided because of that. The director has been handed a fantastic cast of proven actors but the final product doesn’t do justice to their collective talent. There are moments which come close to touching you emotionally, like the hint of an affair between Janet van Dyne and Lord Kylar (Bill Murray) and Hank Pym feeling jealous because of that. And Cassie’s teenage angst too adds a spark to the proceedings. But these moments aren’t developed properly and soon peter out.
The film is strictly made for die-hard Marvel and Ant-Man fans. Watch it for its special effects and imaginatively constructed landscape and creatures. Don’t go looking for drama and you won’t be disappointed.
from filmfares