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On this day: Historic events that happened on 19 February

Several historically significant events have taken place today, 19 February. It was on this day in 1942 that US President Franklin D Roosevelt signed an order authorising the internment of Japanese Americans in “relocation centers”. In 1945, US Marines landed on the island of Iwo Jima, sparking fierce resistance from Japan. On the same day in 2008, Cuban leader Fidel Castro stepped down as the country’s president. German fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld passed away on 19 February 2019. Take a look at the historic events that happened on 19 February:

1878: Thomas Alva Edison patented the phonograph:
If you are one of those who cannot imagine your life without music, then today is especially significant for you. On this day in 1878, inventor Thomas Alva Edison patented the phonograph, a device to record sound and play it back. The invention had a big role to play in the development of the modern music industry.

1942- FDR signed order for internment of Japanese Americans:
In the wake of the Pearl Harbour attack by Japanese forces during World War II, negative sentiments against the community solidified in the United States. On 19 February 1942, US President Franklin D Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. The order called for the forced removal of all people deemed as a threat to national security from the West Coast to “relocation centers” further inland. Though the word Japanese was not mentioned in the order, only Japanese Americans were targeted and forced into internment camps. Between 1942 and 1945, 10 camps, holding approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans, existed. It was in the end of 1944, that the US government announced that the relocation centres would be closed down gradually.

1945- US Marines invaded Iwo Jima:
The fierce battle between Japan and United States over the island of Iwo Jima started on this day. On 19 February 1945, US Marines landed on the strategically important island, marking the start of one of the most well-known battles of World War II. About a month later, the American forces finally succeeded in capturing the island.

2008- Fidel Castro stepped down:
Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro announced that he was stepping down as the president of his country in 2008. He was succeeded by his brother Raul. In 1959, Fidel had driven away US-supported dictator General Fulgencio Batista from the country in a coup and assumed power, turning Cuba into the first communist country in the western hemisphere.

2019- Karl Lagerfeld died:
Fashion designer and photographer Karl Lagerfeld breathed his last in 2019. The German designer was the creative power behind the revival of French fashion brand Chanel. He also served in the Italian design house Fendi. Lagerfeld later left Chanel to establish his own label.

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from On this day: Historic events that happened on 19 February

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