Now, Nisha Rawal has revealed some disturbing details about their married life. “One of the charges filed by me against him is of domestic violence. I hadn’t spoken about it for so many years as I understand that for an actor his career and image are of utmost importance. In spite of being considerate and compassionate I have had to face something like this. This is definitely about Karan having an extra marital affair, me trying to work on the marriage, him not even taking responsibility of the child and constant abuse over the years, which I have never spoken about. I have evidence to authenticate my claim," the actress told BT.
"I learnt about him being involved with another woman around a couple of months ago. I saw his text messages to the girl, I saw them for myself. Even after that, I sat him down and told him to talk about it. I have not behaved like a woman who will rip a man into pieces. I asked him if he didn’t want to continue then, no problem. I flew down to his parents in Noida. My own mother got to know about it a few weeks ago. I hid it from my family and friends, as I wanted to save the marriage. After my mother learnt about the trouble in our marriage, I told her that I was still willing to work on it if he wanted to. After putting up for so long, around a month ago I told him that if he continues to behave like this, then we should split and he agreed. I told him that let’s settle it amicably and agree on an X amount. I made my resume, circulated it and started asking for a job since a month. I will do any work to support my child," she added.
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